Spine Care

Reach out to Dr. Brian Bellinger of Bellinger Chiropractic if you need the services of a spine specialist in Arcata, CA.

What Are Common Spine Injuries?

Maintaining ideal spine health should be a priority for everyone. Unfortunately, accomplishing that goal is easier said than done due to how vulnerable the spine is to injury.

The aging process can make us more susceptible to spine issues. For example, you may develop a case of osteoarthritis as the cartilage between your spine wears down. The resulting pain and stiffness caused by that spine injury will also persist as long as you neglect treatment.

Herniated discs are spine injuries similarly capable of causing particularly troublesome symptoms. Apart from chronic pain, symptoms associated with herniated discs include muscle weakness and numbness. They can also be difficult to avoid because they can result from performing everyday tasks.

The emergence of a herniated disc in your back can also make you more susceptible to sciatica. Anyone who’s dealt with sciatica can tell you how difficult it is to live with the pain and reduced mobility in your lower limbs caused by that condition. You may also experience bowel and bladder issues if you fail to seek sciatica treatment in time.

Some spine injuries you develop may also result from placing excessive strain on your back through poor posture and repeating labor-intensive tasks. Correcting those issues will require seeking treatment from an experienced chiropractic professional.

Work with Dr. Bellinger of Bellinger Chiropractic if you need treatment from a spine specialist in Arcata, CA.

What Treatments Can a Spine Specialist Provide?

Chiropractors are the specialists best equipped to treat your spine injuries. The treatments they provide for back injuries deliver the best results because they address the underlying causes of those issues and can help you avoid the same injuries in the future.

Spinal adjustments are among the treatments your chiropractor can use for your back injury. Your spine specialist, Dr. Bellinger, can use Activator, Gonstead, and drop table adjustments to address back issues such as osteoarthritis, herniated discs, and sciatica. Myofascial therapy is also useful for alleviating the excessive strain on your back.

Therapeutic exercises such as those of McKenzie Method or strengthening your core can also help your back heal correctly and prevent those same issues from popping up again.

Treatment for your back injuries may also come in the form of posture correction. Learn more about proper posture from your chiropractor and develop the right habits while working. You’ll be able to avoid overburdening your joints and muscles.

Call 707-308-2992 to book an appointment with Dr. Bellinger of Bellinger Chiropractic and receive treatment from a spine specialist in Arcata, CA.

Our Location

Hours of Operation


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


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9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm





9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm